Nature Based Learning

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Thank you for participating in our Nature-Based Learning Engagement.  This consultation has now concluded

To Register:

1. Go to and complete the district registration form. Your registration will be marked as pending until such time that you receive confirmation from the EPPS Administration.

2. Go to to complete the Nature Based Learning Program follow up questionnaire.

3. Attend the Virtual Nature Based Information night TODAY - March 11. Both presentations will begin at 6:30pm. Please attend via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 931 2344 8249
Passcode: fBz8AB


On Wednesday February 10, 2021, the Board of Trustees approved the Nature-Based Alternative Program.

This program may launch at École Percy Pegler School (ÉPPS) for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year given sufficient enrollment.

This decision was based upon a feasibility study and implementation plan that was presented at the January 27, 2021 Board Meeting.

Previously, during the October 7, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting, Foothills School Division teachers, Ryan Lemphers and Graham Campbell presented a proposal for a Nature-based Alternative Program. At the same meeting on October 7, 2020 the Board approved that the school administration at ÉPPS to conduct this public engagement to complete a feasibility study for this Nature-based Alternative program.


What is Nature Based Learning?

Nature based learning uses nature and our surrounding communities to develop strong, resilient, and engaged learners who have a sense of place and the confidence to lead in their communities and the world.

Why Nature based learning? Nature based learning is a powerful way to learn. Instead of making abstract connections from a textbook, students are immersed in the academic content as it unfolds before them in their own community. There is a beautiful flow that happens when learning in the outdoors. Students feel a sense of calm as they learn, and this leads to a more supportive learning environment.

Students involved in this program will:

  • Experience increased motivation, engagement, and success with learning.
  • Develop deep connections to nature and the environment
  • Experience increased academic achievement.
  • Experience learning that is meaningful and connected to the real world.
  • Develop skills to overcome physical, emotional, and academic challenges.
  • Become well rounded students who have a strong sense of community.
  • Develop leadership skills to benefit their communities now and in the future.

To Register:

1. Go to and complete the district registration form. Your registration will be marked as pending until such time that you receive confirmation from the EPPS Administration.

2. Go to to complete the Nature Based Learning Program follow up questionnaire.

3. Attend the Virtual Nature Based Information night TODAY - March 11. Both presentations will begin at 6:30pm. Please attend via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 931 2344 8249
Passcode: fBz8AB


On Wednesday February 10, 2021, the Board of Trustees approved the Nature-Based Alternative Program.

This program may launch at École Percy Pegler School (ÉPPS) for the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year given sufficient enrollment.

This decision was based upon a feasibility study and implementation plan that was presented at the January 27, 2021 Board Meeting.

Previously, during the October 7, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting, Foothills School Division teachers, Ryan Lemphers and Graham Campbell presented a proposal for a Nature-based Alternative Program. At the same meeting on October 7, 2020 the Board approved that the school administration at ÉPPS to conduct this public engagement to complete a feasibility study for this Nature-based Alternative program.


What is Nature Based Learning?

Nature based learning uses nature and our surrounding communities to develop strong, resilient, and engaged learners who have a sense of place and the confidence to lead in their communities and the world.

Why Nature based learning? Nature based learning is a powerful way to learn. Instead of making abstract connections from a textbook, students are immersed in the academic content as it unfolds before them in their own community. There is a beautiful flow that happens when learning in the outdoors. Students feel a sense of calm as they learn, and this leads to a more supportive learning environment.

Students involved in this program will:

  • Experience increased motivation, engagement, and success with learning.
  • Develop deep connections to nature and the environment
  • Experience increased academic achievement.
  • Experience learning that is meaningful and connected to the real world.
  • Develop skills to overcome physical, emotional, and academic challenges.
  • Become well rounded students who have a strong sense of community.
  • Develop leadership skills to benefit their communities now and in the future.

Thank you for participating in our Nature-Based Learning Engagement.  This consultation has now concluded

  • Share What will your child to educator ratio be when outdoors? on Facebook Share What will your child to educator ratio be when outdoors? on Twitter Share What will your child to educator ratio be when outdoors? on Linkedin Email What will your child to educator ratio be when outdoors? link

    What will your child to educator ratio be when outdoors?

    Lisa asked almost 4 years ago

    At the beginning of the year teachers work to build stamina, expectations and trust with students. As students gradually become more competent in being outside and teachers understand and see appropriate behaviours demonstrated we start to venture further from the school. 

    Once this trust has been established and students are meeting expectations we move more deeply into the community and nature.  We are never very far from the school and there is always someone available to come support our students if there is a need. 

    There are certain activities that require more supervision or involvement from parent volunteers. This is something coordinated by the teacher. It is important to note that students are engaging in purposeful learning under the guidance of masterful teachers. The teachers have training in wilderness first aid and Outdoor Council of Canada Field Leader courses. This allows for proper planning and situational awareness combined with solid teaching to create safe engaging learning. 

    In earlier grades teachers may have even more parents involved durning the outdoor days on a regular basis to help support the little ones.  

  • Share What is your ecological sustainability plan/impact assessment for some of the nearby nature areas that you will visit such as Mystical Forest and Deer Gully with the number of students you are proposing in your program? on Facebook Share What is your ecological sustainability plan/impact assessment for some of the nearby nature areas that you will visit such as Mystical Forest and Deer Gully with the number of students you are proposing in your program? on Twitter Share What is your ecological sustainability plan/impact assessment for some of the nearby nature areas that you will visit such as Mystical Forest and Deer Gully with the number of students you are proposing in your program? on Linkedin Email What is your ecological sustainability plan/impact assessment for some of the nearby nature areas that you will visit such as Mystical Forest and Deer Gully with the number of students you are proposing in your program? link

    What is your ecological sustainability plan/impact assessment for some of the nearby nature areas that you will visit such as Mystical Forest and Deer Gully with the number of students you are proposing in your program?

    Lisa asked almost 4 years ago

    This is an awesome question and one that we take very seriously. We train students in Leave No Trace principles. These are:

    1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
    2. Travel on Durable surfaces
    3. Dispose of Waste Properly
    4. Leave what you find
    5. Minimise campfire impact
    6. Respect Wildlife
    7. Respect others

    These principles calls us to have a ethic of care for our community and its natural spaces.  We would do assessments at the beginning of the year and monitor usage of these places to ensure that we are not exceeding the capacity of the land to regenerate. In addition, there are many other places that are not utilized because we do not have to as usage is low currently. There are space in Lineham Park, Old MacLeod Trail, Sun Tree Park, Carr Crescent Park and the River Valley that can be used as well. These places are still not that far away. Likely the closer areas will be used by the littles and we will develop a schedule to give the land time to rest. This is something that the students can be involved with as well as it will matter to them that these places are carded for and not abused. In addition students will be caretakers and stewards doing cleaning projects to ensure these places are in better shape after we are done with them. It is important to note there are also other used groups in these public spaces such as: Common Digs, Good Shepard, Okotoks Jr High and random kids afterschool that may not share the same ethic for care of the land that we do. We would endeavour to educate and coordinate usage of these spaces to benefit everyone.

  • Share Why is transportation not being offered? It would make it difficult for families in south Okotoks to participate in this program. on Facebook Share Why is transportation not being offered? It would make it difficult for families in south Okotoks to participate in this program. on Twitter Share Why is transportation not being offered? It would make it difficult for families in south Okotoks to participate in this program. on Linkedin Email Why is transportation not being offered? It would make it difficult for families in south Okotoks to participate in this program. link

    Why is transportation not being offered? It would make it difficult for families in south Okotoks to participate in this program.

    Chantelle asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your question regarding transportation.  We are not able to provide busing as the Province does not fund transportation for Alternative Programs such as this.

  • Share What if it rains, or the weather is bad? on Facebook Share What if it rains, or the weather is bad? on Twitter Share What if it rains, or the weather is bad? on Linkedin Email What if it rains, or the weather is bad? link

    What if it rains, or the weather is bad?

    almost 4 years ago
    • Students will have the proper gear to be comfortable outside.
    • Teachers will coach students in how to use their clothing and strategies to be comfortable in adverse weather conditions.
    • Teachers will carry a tarp, and gear to support students.
    • We adapt the activity and the duration to suit the weather. 
    • We will NOT go outside if the weather deems learning unsafe. (extreme cold, lightning, etc.) 
  • Share Where will my child be learning on outdoor days? on Facebook Share Where will my child be learning on outdoor days? on Twitter Share Where will my child be learning on outdoor days? on Linkedin Email Where will my child be learning on outdoor days? link

    Where will my child be learning on outdoor days?

    almost 4 years ago

    We will use the surrounding areas to Ecole Percy Pegler School. This may include:

    • Natural areas surrounding the school
    • The Sheep River valley
    • Downtown Okotoks
    • Community parks and pathways
    • Community facilities such as the art gallery, museum, library, etc.
    • Kananaskis Country
  • Share What about a bathroom? on Facebook Share What about a bathroom? on Twitter Share What about a bathroom? on Linkedin Email What about a bathroom? link

    What about a bathroom?

    almost 4 years ago

    We will be designing the outdoor days around having access to bathrooms periodically throughout the day. In most cases we will be close enough to the school or an outhouse that we will be able to use those bathrooms, but in other instances, we may utilize other schools, some community infrastructure, and even some local partnered businesses. 

    For younger grades, the use of a portable toilet may be necessary where facilities are not near by.

  • Share Will there be bussing available to Ecole Percy Pegler? on Facebook Share Will there be bussing available to Ecole Percy Pegler? on Twitter Share Will there be bussing available to Ecole Percy Pegler? on Linkedin Email Will there be bussing available to Ecole Percy Pegler? link

    Will there be bussing available to Ecole Percy Pegler?

    almost 4 years ago

    Parents will be responsible for getting their child to and from Ecole Percy Pegler School. There will be no bussing provided.

  • Share How will emergencies be handled? on Facebook Share How will emergencies be handled? on Twitter Share How will emergencies be handled? on Linkedin Email How will emergencies be handled? link

    How will emergencies be handled?

    almost 4 years ago
    • All staff will have first aid training and well stocked first aid kits.
    • All staff will have an emergency communication device such as a cell phone.
    • Staff will coordinate with the office and parents if the situation requires a pick up.
  • Share What if my child is late, or needs to be picked up for an appointment? on Facebook Share What if my child is late, or needs to be picked up for an appointment? on Twitter Share What if my child is late, or needs to be picked up for an appointment? on Linkedin Email What if my child is late, or needs to be picked up for an appointment? link

    What if my child is late, or needs to be picked up for an appointment?

    almost 4 years ago

    Communication will be the key to these scenarios. Teachers will have cell phones on them at all times when learning outside, and can coordinate with pick up and drop off locations.

  • Share What kind of gear will my child need? on Facebook Share What kind of gear will my child need? on Twitter Share What kind of gear will my child need? on Linkedin Email What kind of gear will my child need? link

    What kind of gear will my child need?

    almost 4 years ago

    Students will be expected to come to school with a backpack and clothing that will allow them to be comfortable in all weather. If a family is unable to provide proper clothing for their child, the school can help support with clothing. 

    Here is an example of a gear list for spring, summer, or fall seasons.

    • At least a 20 - 30 L backpack (depending on grade) with hip straps for support
    • Sturdy footwear
    • Waterproof/ Breathable Rain jacket and pants AND/OR rain poncho
    • Synthetic fleece jacket (warm mid layer - NOT COTTON)
    • 1 set of synthetic long underwear, top and bottoms
    • 1 pr. of synthetic quick dry pants (Track pants are OK)
    • 1 short sleeve t-shirt (NOT COTTON)
    • 1 back up pair of wool or synthetic socks (incase feet get wet or cold)  
    • Toque and neck tube/Buff
    • Gloves for fall 
    • Waterproof mitts/ gloves for winter (warmer the better)
    • At least 1L of water (screw top preferred as they do not leak in pack)
    • Hat, Sunglasses, Sunscreen 
    • Healthy Lunch (must be a bag lunch that does not require a microwave)
    • Energy snacks (pocket snacks)